An interesting drive today, to say the least. While we're almost forced off the road by a wildly driven HGV overtaking in traffic on a blind bend, at least there's no harm done, unlike our unfortunate tour leaders who suffer damage to their caravan through no fault of their own. Let's not beat about the bush: lots of Bosnian drivers are dangerous, which is a shame, as Bosnian people outside their vehicles are great, at least in our experience.
Poor WiFi around these parts so: a) this post is late and b) pictures are limited
We spend three relaxing nights here, exploring the local small lake and ingenious old mini watermills, one of which is in working order.
We get a guided tour of the local town, which turns out to be a political lecture from a local (very) left of centre local activist. It's fascinating non-the-less and it's illuminating to look through the eyes of these local guides and the (brutal) experiences that have shaped their thinking.
We view the 'birthplace of Yugoslavia' where Tito formed the agreement to unite the Balkan states under communism. Tito is revered by many today.
Gold plated TITO, which is how so many Bosnians think of him
On our last night here we eat together and get a free demonstration of local folk dancing, which is a real bonus and a hell of a lot better than the meal. Nice wine and beer, though.
So we're off to our final stop tomorrow. Oh dear.
Poor WiFi around these parts so: a) this post is late and b) pictures are limited
We spend three relaxing nights here, exploring the local small lake and ingenious old mini watermills, one of which is in working order.
We get a guided tour of the local town, which turns out to be a political lecture from a local (very) left of centre local activist. It's fascinating non-the-less and it's illuminating to look through the eyes of these local guides and the (brutal) experiences that have shaped their thinking.
We view the 'birthplace of Yugoslavia' where Tito formed the agreement to unite the Balkan states under communism. Tito is revered by many today.
Gold plated TITO, which is how so many Bosnians think of him
On our last night here we eat together and get a free demonstration of local folk dancing, which is a real bonus and a hell of a lot better than the meal. Nice wine and beer, though.
So we're off to our final stop tomorrow. Oh dear.
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